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Give the children, teenagers and adults, the opportunity to know the maritime biome and its role on the planet, discovering and living the necessary actions to preserve and use the environment with responsability and sustainable development, always focusing on the sea coasts and its forests.
Do activitier that contribute to sustainable develepment, through citizen sensibilization about the enviroment problems, organizing, not only environmental education, but educational events..


The preocupation about the planet's curse have been discussed from many generations, and the power to change the things never werer neve in other hands. Some years ago, the world population has pressed the authorities their position about the changes to minimize and stop the destruction caused by an irregular and irresponsable development.
The E.I.C.A. (Blue Consciousness International School) was created to teach how to use what our planet give to us, it is the only way to provoke deep changes on the human atittudes.



To promote deep changes ond the human habits and atittudes, through the commitment with earth preservation.
Set the concepts of sustainable development, how to use our resources with inteligence and in a not destructive way.
Graduate responsable citizen and worried with the our planet life's preservation. Citizen that can take care of our planet, and act like enviroment agents.


Call us:

+55 11 96495.1875


The E.I.C.A. is on its final implementation phase. Its time to group big partners!

If you believe that our planet deserves a chance, no doubt it begins here.



Do your part, HELP US....


Project Partners

E.I.C.A. thanks to the trust and help given in important moments of its implementation. Our sincere thank you:



Partner Projects

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